Booking Policy
Upon booking at Clean Canvas you will be required to provide credit card details to secure your appointment. Charges will not be made to your card unless you have breached our cancellation policy. See below.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations made within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment will incur a $50 cancellation fee which will be charged to the card details held on file for you. The same cancellation fee will be charged in the event you do not show up to your appointment without notice. In the event you hold prepaid sessions and your card is unable to be charged, then one of your prepaid sessions will be forfeited and act as the cancellation fee.
Refund Policy
We have a no refund policy on the purchase of our products or services in the event you change your mind. Refunds will only be provided where required under the Australian Consumer Law.
Prepaid Treatments Policy
Treatments are not transferable to other individuals, either when purchased individually or when multiple treatments are prepaid.
Direct Debit Payment Policy
Direct Debit payment plans can be cancelled at any time with 7 days written notice to our email address info@cleancanvas.com.au
There will be no refunds for amounts paid prior to your request for cancellation or within the 7 day notification period. Amounts paid prior to cancellation will be forfeited and act as your cancellation fee.
If more than 2 consecutive instalments are not successful, then Clean Canvas Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel your Direct Debit schedule and to suspend all services until all amounts are fully paid and up to date. The Direct Debit may be reinstated at the discretion of Clean Canvas Pty Ltd once all amounts have been recovered successfully.
At any point throughout your payment schedule, should it become unsafe to proceed with treatment, i.e. change in medical diagnosis, pregnancy etc. Clean Canvas Pty Ltd reserves the right to suspend all future services. Should this occur, future scheduled payments will also be terminated and amounts paid prior will act as a cancellation fee.
Safety Policy
Clean Canvas Pty Ltd reserves the right to refuse treatment of any patient should they deem necessary, under any circumstances, particularly where the safety of the patient or the operator is deemed questionable.
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